Get Involved

Getting involved is one of the best ways to keep yourself motivated. If Zookenberry becomes a community for you; one where you keep coming back to see new posts, talk to your accountability partner, participate in projects, check out new members and their progress - you'll want to continue on your own journey. Why? Well for one, because you know others are just as interested in your progress as you are in theirs! They will be there to help you through your rough days, answer questions and give advice, just like you have been for them. So don't be a stranger, along with commenting and participating in discussions on the main page, try some of these great ideas to get involved;

Accountability Partners

The best way I have found to stay motivated is finding a partner to do this with. Someone going through the same struggles as you, who will understand the ups and downs life has to offer. This could be someone you know who will start Zookenberry with you, or someone you don't know who has already started. If you send me the following information I will set you up with someone who matches your request. Also, you can read this guide on what it means an Accountability Partner, it outlines the responsibilities and benefits of having one.

To request a partner, or to offer to be a partner send the following information: a short bio, your weight loss goals, what you have tried before, where you started and what you want to achieve, as well as any specific requests or information about yourself you think is relevant. Also send me your contact information, and how you want your partner to be able to contact you.

Online Profiles

Why don't you set up a blog for yourself? Blogger is super easy to use (if I can do it, you can do it), you can add a weight loss ticker, your biography, your goals and whatever else meets your fancy. Then blog about your progress, your troubles, your victories, your inspirations and your motivations. On the bottom of every Zookenberry page is a current featured member and a list of links to other people's blogs. You can check them out, leave comments and advice and know that you're not alone in this. If you would like your link listed as well, just send me a quick email. If you want to be a featured member, let me know what has inspired you to start living healthy, a quick bio and what your goals are and how you're going to achieve them! You can include a picture too if you'd like!

Write About What You Know

Have you come across a new 'Super Food'? An excellent exercise routine? An inspiring website? Do you know the pros and cons of the acaii berry? Go ahead and write about it! You could send it in to me and get it posted to Zookenberry or even put it on your own blog. The more you research the more you'll know, the more invested you'll be and the more you'll want to continue. You will also be helping others by giving them information they may not have come across themselves.

Introduce Yourself

If you don't want to set up a blog, but still want to be active on Zookenberry, make sure to introduce yourself! Let us know what inspires you and what you want to achieve. Just leave a comment below - or send me an email. Participate in discussions, comment on posts - both here and on other blogger's pages. Like I said, don't be a stranger!


  1. I have a question, what if we want to be an accountability partner, but we don't know our goals or really anything... I don't really know how to get started?

  2. Hey Hannah, by all means still send me an email and ask for one! If you want to work one on one to try and set up some goals with me then let me know - we'll get you going!
