Using Zookenberry

Zookenberry is set up as more of a book then a blog. There is a table of contents, chapters and eventually a final page. If you are looking for specific information then the Table of Contents or the search bar to the right is where you should start. However, if you're thinking of starting the Zookenberry journey then there a couple things you need to know;

First of all, Congratulations! This is going to be a great journey, you are taking the first step to a healthier lifestyle, and a healthier you. Zookenberry is set up so you read a 'page' a day. So you should start with the oldest archive, or 'Day 1' by clicking here. Then come back every morning, or every evening, what ever schedule works best for you, for the next day's post. The easiest way to find the post you are on is by going to the Table of Contents. The posts are a combination of information, goals and activities, and are the heart of this guide. I do not suggest moving any faster through the posts, we are trying to develop new and better habits, as well as break old ones and it takes time. However, everyone works best at a different pace, so work at one that is comfortable for you.

NOTE: The Table of Contents only links to the specific Zookenberry content. There are many more posts; personal, motivational, your stories and more... you can go through the archives to find these old posts, or check out the main page for new posts every day.

Secondly; make sure to get involved! Right now is the perfect time to find an accountability partner, set up an online profile and introduce yourself to everyone. Like I said before; this is a community. Obtaining a healthy living style is a HUGE goal, and an even bigger commitment... remember that you're not doing this alone. Everyone falls off the bandwagon at some point, or has a bad day - what makes the difference is having someone there to help you back up and get you motivated again. Better yet is having someone there to help you during your bad days - before you fall off, not just afterwards.

And thirdly; this is currently a work in progress, the 'blook' is not finished yet. I will continuously be going back and editing pages as I find more information, or perhaps even adding pages. All these changes are listed on the sidebar for a week or so. That way you can always go back and check out the changes if you are interested. This also means that I want your input! If you find something particularly helpful, or something that doesn't work, or you have something to add then please let me know. Also you may catch up to me, depending how fast you're moving through the days. At this point, with a wee one and an unpredictable schedule I cannot promise to post chapter information everyday.

Anyways, congratulations again! I can't wait to get to know you and be apart of your journey to achieve your goals!