Friday, February 11, 2011

Being Active - Dance Party

You'll probably hear me say a thousand times that a gym is not the answer for being active. A gym is good to build muscle and for training. If you're just looking to add a little activity to your day you need to find something fun to do if you want to stick to it. AND it doesn't have to be the same thing everyday. Just try and get in at least 20 minutes of activity... that's all you need to do to reap huge physical (and mental!) health rewards. So this 'Being Active' blurb is something I'll post once in awhile with ideas for you to try out. Have fun with them! And let me know if you have an idea!

One of the most fun activities I like to do to get my cardio is a private dance party. I close the door, I turn up the volume and I dance for 30 minutes. I go all out, like no one is watching (because no one is), I work up a sweat, I pull out the running man, practise the shopping cart and pretend I am Michael Jackson. You should definitely give it a try, not only is it fun - but practise makes perfect! (I'm working really hard on the Carlton right now...)

I've compiled a couple playlists for you on Youtube to get you started. But it works best if you pick a set of your favourite songs, just make sure there's a couple slower ones to take a breather during! Enjoy!
Legendary Moves (ex. Thriller, Kung Fu Fighting, The Carlton Dance)

Also, this is a great time to use your Wii or Kinect or DDR for some exercise. Just Dance/DDR and the like are actually a really good work out and are a lot of fun if you get a friend or two to join in. Just remember; exercise isn't meant to be boring. If it is, you haven't found the right one for you yet - don't torture yourself, keep looking!

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