Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I am having trouble deciding how to introduce this blog - it's not just a blog, it is meant to be a book of sorts. It has a definite beginning and end. However, I didn't want to just write a book, I wanted to interact, to show video, to engage my audience in other ways then through just text. Why? Because there is no step-by-step guide to living healthy. My experience has shown me that it is a journey, that if taken together it is a goal we can all achieve.

Having said that, I am sure I will refer to this blog/book (.. blook?) as a guide from time to time. If only because I lack a better word. Zookenberry is meant to be an information source, a support system and a community where people at all stages can come and learn. There is a plethora of mis-information available out there and much of it has been ingrained into us as truth. I hope that my research will be valuable to you, and hopefully inspire you to change your life for the healthier.

Originally I was going to call this blook "The Zookenberry Diet", for the simple reason that a Zookenberry does not exist... nor does any super food/super secret trick that can make you lose weight and live healthy. If there was, don't you think we all would have found it by now? This title is still up for debate though and for now will remain simply "Zookenberry"... because not only is this not a diet, but I despise the very thought of a diet.

Life is meant to be enjoyed.
Food is meant to be enjoyed.

Neither life nor food is very enjoyable when it becomes a chore, when they are limited and controlled by a diet, when guilt is the main emotion because you aren't able to live by those limitations or when rebounds happen and your situation seems even worse than before. No wonder so many people live unhealthily; the media puts out an unattainable image for us and then the weight loss industry adds on a million and one ways to achieve this image - yet none of them work. Zookenberry isn't set up as a cure-all, but instead works on the individual level - finding what motivates, encourages and inspires each person.

For almost a decade now food and nutrition has been a passion of mine, and now that I have a 'few' extra pounds after having my daughter, being healthy is all the more important to me. Not only do I want to feel good about myself again and get my energy back, but I want to be a good influence for her.

That is where Zookenberry comes in. It will be our journey together to change our lives, without guilt, and without rules and limitations. Instead it will be a learning process, with slow and sustainable changes to our lives that will hopefully have some wonderful side effects.

Interested? Click here to read "Using Zookenberry".

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